ICAgile Agile Testing – Guaranteed to Run
Are you a tester working on agile projects? Adapt and enhance your existing testing skills and learn to work effectively as a professional tester on an agile team. Our Agile Testing course examines the application of testing in teams working on agile projects, covers testing practices used on agile projects, explains the theory and concepts behind an agile testing approach and prepares team members to succeed in an agile environment.
ICAgile accredited course: The ICP-TST Certification from ICAgile is granted on the successful completion of this course. This certification is part of the ICAgile Testing Track along with our Agile Fundamentals and Agile Test Automation courses.
We offer the complete ICAgile Agile Testing Track for those looking to become an ICAgile Certified Expert in Agile Testing (ICA-AT).
Project Management Institute (PMI)® accredited course: This course is accredited with PMI® and will contribute 14 professional development units (PDUs) towards your chosen certification (14 technical hours).
Intended for:
- Test analysts
- Test engineers
- Test consultants
- Test managers
- User acceptance testers
- Software developers
- Project managers
- Managers of teams involved in agile development
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Learning outcomes:
During this course you will learn about:
- The background to testing in an agile project and the roles and responsibilities of a typical agile testing team
- The definition of quality in an agile project
- The various tools available to agile test teams to facilitate the testing of the project
- The collaboration required for quality solutions
- How discipline and standards contribute to agility
- How to set up testing for success in an agile team
Mindset and Culture
- The beginnings
- Agile and testing principles
- Roles and responsibilities
- Team testing
- Quality
- Improvement and feedback
- Strategy and planning
- Testing considerations
- Environments and infrastructure
- Distributed teams
- Tester collaboration
- Agile test quadrants
- Test design
- Communicate
- Metrics
- Reporting
Method used:
Lecturing is kept to the minimum necessary, most of the learning is achieved by applying the practices and techniques in group exercises.
This program is offered as a classroom-based course as well as a LiveOnline program. Our LiveOnline delivery is over three days (each four and a half hours in duration). The instructor is live and interaction and learning objectives are the same as our in-person classes with the added benefit of being able to take this course from your home, your office or your home office. We use Zoom for our LiveOnline classes. Zoom is an easy to use and reliable cloud platform and we have in place robust security settings to ensure our users and their privacy are protected.
For people with hearing loss, we can provide closed captions and in some cases full transcripts for our LiveOnline courses. In addition to captioning, we can also provide early access for learners with hearing loss to read through the course materials and test the tools and technologies.